Electronic Scientists and Engineers Society
International Conference on Electronics & Advances in Science and Technology
08-09 NOVEMBER 2024 | ASSAM
Focus Theme
State of Art remote sensing systems, intelligent sensors with an emphasis on application of Artificial intelligence in Monitoring and Prediction of Natural Hazards for a reliable future Humenosphere
Kaziranga Tour
Explore the pristine beauty of Kaziranga National Park, renowned for its population of one-horned rhinoceroses. Join us for an unforgettable wildlife safari and enjoy the breathtaking landscapes of this UNESCO World Heritage site.
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- Remote sensing State of the art systems and application potentials in hazard monitoring, prediction, safety guidance, and reliable Hazard-predictive approaches and success
- Artificial Intelligence and Application in today's research for reliable future Humano sphere.
- Earthquake monitoring, prediction, and sources of growth and reliability in prediction.
- Coupling dynamics between lithosphere-Troposphere-Ionosphere –Magnetosphere during Earthquake and Geomagnetic storms; Model computation, Space-Weather relation.
- Weather: rare cases, worst weather situations, and Climate modifications cause and consequences: Pollution, greenhouse effects, and Coupling dynamics between Ocean-Land Atmosphere and Topography.
- Data analyses: State of the art signal and image processing approaches, machine learning, Neural Networks, and Cloud computations.
- Statistical methods, approaches, and applications in events prediction, and reliability.
- Innovative design of systems/devices on
- Research Fundamental
- Public benefit/Utility
- Hazard monitoring as an educational kit.
Important Dates
Registration Last Date
October 20, 2024
Abstract Submission Deadline
September 15, 2024
Conference Dates
November 8-9, 2024
Fee Structure
For International Participant
- General Participant: 450 USD
- Student Participant: 100 USD
- Accompany Person: 100 USD per person (Max 3)
- Kaziranga Tour (if availed): 60 USD per person
For Indian Participant
- General Participant: 2500 INR
- Student Participant: 750 INR
- Accompany Person: 1000 INR per person (Max 3)
- Kaziranga Tour (if availed): 3000 INR per person
Note: ESES Members are eligible for a 20% rebate.
Abstract submission Information
- First you need to register before submitting the abstract
- Participant can submit maximum of two abstract
- No Abstarct Will be accepted after last date of submission
- Title of the paper should be printed in 14 point New Roman Bold, give 1-line spacing
- Author’s name to be placed below two line spacing from the MS Title (12pt , Times New Roman, line spacing 1.0)
- Affiliation (11pt, Times New Roman, Italic, line spacing 1.0)
- Abstract(s) must be in English and typed in single-spaced using Time New Roman. Title should be in Uppercase bold letters. Name(s) of author(s) in a new line to be followed by the name of Institution. Objectives, methods, results, and conclusions should be given concisely with a total number of abstract words not exceeding 300. The references are not to be included. For the
- Abstract need to be submitted either in word documnet (.docx) or in PDF(.pdf) format
- Maximum size of the abstract should be less that 9 MB
Conference Venue


Dr Arup Kr Misra
The Chairman Pollution Control Board ,Assam

Prof Farshed H. Karimov
Chief of the Laboratory of Geology and Seismology Tajikistan
Anomalous pH parameter variations of the underground thermo-mineral waters in Tajikistan as an earthquake precursor
Dr. Nofel Lagrosas
Associate Professor in Civil Engineering Kyushu University Japan
On current collaborative work on nighttime cloud detection.
Prof R.P.Singh
Chapman University California USA
On Sea Atmopshere Coupling dynamics during Hazards
Dr.Weibiao CHEN
Professor, Director Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics,CAS Shanghai, 201800
Spaceborne lidar development for global aerosol and carbon dioxide observation
Prof K I Oyama
Senior Researcher, International Research Center for Space & Planetary Environment Science
Nanosatellites and International collaboration on Earthquake Precursor studies
Dr. Utpal Chakrabarty
Free Lancer
How AI and Quantum Computing is going to revolutionise different Industries
Prof. K.P. Ray
Head Defence University, Pune, India
Design. Development of the 1 st MST radar of IndiaINVITED SPEAKERS

Prof Pramila Koperker
Ex HoD Instrumentation Centre, North East Hill University, Shillong, 793022
GEC: Dynamic processes and their impact on climate change
Dr. Roberto Colonna
Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Basilicata (UNIBAS) - Potenza - Italy
Continuous Long-term analysis on Earthquake related Total Electron Content (TEC) signals across Mediterranean Region
Dr.Tuhin Kumar Mandal
Chief Scientist, National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi

Professor. Dharmendra Singh
Former Head: Department of Computer Science and Engineering Coordinator, DRONE RESEARCH CENTER

Prof. A Gohain Barua
Department of Physics Gauhati University
Information carried by the light of the firefly
Prof Ashik Pal
Calcutta University Insitute of RadioPhysics & Electronics
Conference Schedule
8th November
- 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM: Registration
- 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM: Opening Session
- 11:30 AM - 11:45 AM: Tea Break
- 11:45 AM - 01:45 PM: Technical Session 1: Remote Sensing State-of-the-art Systems and application potentialities in hazard monitoring, prediction, safety ,guidance, and reliable hazard-predictive approaches and success
- 01:45 PM - 02:15 PM: Lunch Break
- 02:15 PM - 03:10 PM: Technical Session 2: AI & computer controlled sensors, languages and Application Potentialities in today’s research/industry/education for a reliable future humenosphere
- 03:10 PM - 05:30 PM: Technical Session 3: Earthquake Monitoring , Prediction , Reliability and system dynamics : Observations , model approaches and coupling dynamics Lithosphere-Troposphere-Ionosphere-Magnetosphere
9th November
- 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM: Technical Session 3: (Continued)
- 11:15 AM - 01:45 PM: Technical Session 4: Pollution, Green house gas & Climate : Coupling dynamics Sea -Land -Atmosphere
- Technical Session 5: Special, Interdisciplinary Session [ Remote Sensing State-of-the art Systems and application .; State of art Image Processing, Machine Learning and Neural Network ; Innovative Design of System relevant to Research and Education and Earthquake Monitoring & Prediction.]
- 01:45 PM - 02:15 PM: Lunch Break
- 02:15 PM - 03:34 PM: Technical Session VI: Innovative Scientific Approaches and Methods Towards Problem Solution and Innovative Design of System relevant to Research and Education , State of art signal processing techniques
- 03:00 PM - 04:00 PM: Interactive Session VII (between participants , resources persons and students )
- 04:00 PM - 05:30 PM: Resolutions & Closing Ceremony
** City excursion time will be announced later **